第14章 青春随想(2 / 2)



as settg out on delightful journey,we stra our ear gaze forward—biddg the lovely scenes at distance hail!—and see no end to the ndscape,new objects presentg theselves as we advance;, the ncent of life,we set no bounds to our clationsnor to the unrestricted opportunities of grastifyg thewe have as yet found no obstacle,no disposition to fg;and it sees that we can go on foreverwe look round a new world,full of life,and otion,and ceaseless progress;and feel ourselves all the vigour and spirit to keep pace with it,and do not foresee fro any present syptos how we shall be left behd the natural urse of thgs,decle to old a,and drop to the grave


it is the siplicity,and as it were abstractedness of our feelgs youth,that ( to speak)identifies with nature,and (our experience beg slight and our passions strong)dedes to a belief of beg iortal like itour short-lives nnexion with existence we fondly ftter ourselves,is an disble and stg union—a honeyoon that knows neither ldness,jar,nor separationas fants sile and sleep,we are rocked the cradle of our wayward fancies,and lled to security by the roar of the universe around we aff the cup of life with ear haste without drag it,stead of which it only overflows the ore-objects press around ,fillg the d with their agnitude and with the strong of desires that wait upon the, that we have no roo for the thoughts of death


最新小说: 难缠的甲方雇主 双生花的妖娆人生 穿书路人甲之在线观战 我的母亲是现代人 新江奇缘 人生何处不春天 苟在末日魔道成圣 穿越:我靠空间娇养了病娇魏王 四合院之贾东旭的逆袭 豪门第一新妻:hi,老公大人