片吧小说频道 > 都市言情 > 每天太阳照常升起 > 第33章 远处的青山(2)

第33章 远处的青山(2)(1 / 1)

 each day this thought of peace bees ore real and blessedi can lie on this green hill and praise creation that i a alive a world of beautyi can go to sleep up here with the verlet of sunlight war on y body,and not wake to that old dull iseryi can even drea with a light heart,for y fair dreas will not be spoiled by wakg,and y bad dreas will be cured the ont i open y eyesi can look up at that be sky without seeg trailed across it a ira of the long horror,a fil picture of all the thgs that have been done by n to nat st i can gaze up at it,lipid and be,without a doggg ncholy;and i can gaze down at that far glea of sea,knog that there is no urk of urder on it any ore


and the flight of birds,the gulls and rooks and little brown waverg thgs which flit out and along the ed of the chalk-pits,is once ore refreshnt to ,utterly untepered a rle is sgg a brable thicket;the dew has not yet dried off the brable leavesa feather of a oon floats across the sky;the distance sends forth holy ururs;the sun wars y cheeksand all of this is pure joyno hawk of dread and horror keeps swoopg down and bearg off the little birds of happessno ag nscience starts forth and beckons away fro pleasureeverywhere is supre and fwless beautywhether one looks at this ty snailshell,arvelloly chased and arked,a very elf’s horn whose open outh is loured rose;or gazes down at the ft nd beeen here and the sea,wanderg under the sile of the ‘afternoon sunlight,seeg alost to be alive,hedless,with its any watchg trees,and silver gulls hoverg above the hroo-loured “ploughs,”and fields green anifold hues;whether one es on this little pk daisy born out of ti,or watches that valley of brownrose-grey woods,under the driftg shadows of low-hangg chalky clouds—all is perfect,as only nature can be perfect on a lovely day,when the d of hi who looks on her is at rest


on this green hill i a nearer than i have been yet to realisation of the difference beeen war and peace our civilian lives hardly anythg has been chand—we do not t ore butter or ore petrol,the garb and achery of war still shroud ,journals still drip hate;but our spirits there is all the difference beeen gradual dyg and gradual revery fro sickness


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