569、hearmecry(2 / 2)

You, you uldn't say,

needed someone new,

and you actually thought,

deep inside I knew,

I wonder where we will go,

Will we be the same ,(You passed me by)

I laugh inside I think of you,

and the love we made,(You passed me by)

Tell me why this should suffice,

I hold you through the night,

Now will I let it go,

Soon I'll let it go,

Can you hear me cry ,(Will you ask yourself why)

Can you hear me cry ,(Will you ask yourself how)

Can you hear me cry,(Will you ask yourself)

Will we ever grow apart,

You, I'll stand by your side,

I'll be there for you,(You passed me by)

You, I'll stand by your side,

Please just do me right ,(You passed me by)

You, I'll stand by your side,

I'll be there for you”



we are one




She's gone

最新小说: 难缠的甲方雇主 双生花的妖娆人生 穿书路人甲之在线观战 我的母亲是现代人 新江奇缘 人生何处不春天 苟在末日魔道成圣 穿越:我靠空间娇养了病娇魏王 四合院之贾东旭的逆袭 豪门第一新妻:hi,老公大人