片吧小说频道 > 科幻灵异 > 星际迷航靖远号 > Special: These three(Part 5)

Special: These three(Part 5)(1 / 2)

 the funeral ceremonyritz poman and jimmy stern are all heldthe holodeck two and holodeck three whichnotlargethe firsthe skillthe doctors, their corpses are lucky enoughbe repairedit should be. it’s really a pity that boththem aretheir twentieth, but they lose their precious lif, they devote themselvesexploring the universe, but, finally, space, the final frontier, willtheir final destination.

initially, all the crews plannedhold funerals for the two peoplethe huge plahe shuttle hangar, but duedifferent customs, their final funerals wouldheldthe same deck, bue not the sam eventually,the sam they will finally meet their destiny, the same destiiny.

ritz poman e fro house,a big family which have lasted for almost seven hundre all his family haven’t ethe andromeda galaxy, twohis sisters and onehis brothers are all taking servicethe uss chinnyun, who are workingjunio time, they choosehold the funeralthe old pastor latuk,elderly british ministerboard the starship, and then “bury” himhi stern’s family,contrast, havereligious beliefs, but they insista formal america the sacrificetwo people, xie xuan feels guilty and grateful, accordingly, she promised the requirementtwo families without doubt.

wearing a white federation suit, cpt.xuan step into the holodec after the arch opened, what blow against her facea tinge o here, she also seemswalkthe earth's wilderness, where she canpletely relaxedthe distance stood a small, one-story church, surroundedwhite paint and large skylights decorated with staine seeing the giant arc roof and those colorful windows decorated with all kindspaintings, cpt.xuan realised something happens years before, during her happ the thoughtsthe pastintoxicating her, the arch which have just closed before suddenly openedanother situation, several men are carrying a large cubeblack coffin whichmadedar the surfaceit, there lies a blue flat neatly, whichthe flatthe united federation o the transparent crystal plane, she can see that the young cheekstill ruddy clusteredvarious flowers, just like whatwa quicken her steps,walking toward the small church not far away.

all those who took partthe funeral,matteris a senior officera science researcher, are wearing a white suit with a blackbow tieordershow the best respectthe defunct(死者). they just stand stillthe coffinclose, the crowd scatteredbe a small road, but the only one standing stillthe pasto usual,is wearing a plai with several brothers and some sisters,is standing by, until they arrive.

the pastor give those whoare carrying the coffin a tipsho, allthem slow their pace and just walked carefullyto the hol and some other senior officers are standingthe firs follow them and then sit downthe bench, holding the awe and veneration.

“for everything therea season, and a time for very purpose under heaven.” the pastor look around, and says:” a timebe born, and a timedie; a timeplant, and a timepluckthat whichplanted; a timekill, and a timeheal; a timebreak down, and a timebuild up; a timeweep, and a timelaugh; a timemourn, and a timedance; a timecast away stones, and a timegather stones together; a timeembrace, and a timerefrain from embracing; a timeseek, and a timelose; a timekeep, and a timecast away; a timerend, and a timesew; a timekeep silence, and a timespeak; a timelove, and a timehate; a time for war, and a timeprofit haththat workeththat whereinlaboreth? i have seen the travail which god hath giventhe sonsmenbe exercise hath made everything beautifulits time: alsohath set eternitytheir heart, yetthat man cannot find out the work that god hath done from the beginning eventhe end.( holy bible, the old testament, the bookecclesiastes (ecc), chapter 3, verse 1-11)”

when the weling ceremony wentan end, the pastor raised his hand, switched into a smoother tone,proclaim the deaththe lieutenant.

“i believe, for allthose who are here, ritz pomanreally a good friend,matter when,matter where, thisthe absolutely truthmus devoted his whole life, with his personal sacrifice,achieve his value for every on, before this single day, i haveadmit, i almost know nothing abou after this crisis, i know that, the characterhimbeing higher an,has achieved it’s really a regret thatcanlonger perform the task here with us, butsacrifised his life fo’t this kindactivity filled with couragecalleda sturdy faith?”

“we all e from the dust, and ultimately, dustwhereshould be;starfleet,are chasing the infinity sky, and now,willalways surroundedth the lord's love alwayswith you, the father, the son, and the hol”

when the funeral music finally play, everyone lower their heads,standsilent tribute forthe lighta candle, the starfleet badge inlaidthe square coffin stoo the ceremony was over and the priest nodded, the scehe holodeck suddenly changed, and they were alla gree the middlethem, a square tomb had recently been dug.

“sorry, young christian.”said heavily:”can't get you backwhere you came from, butbelieve it's the best place for you.” several starfleet officers came forward, raised the flagthe coffin for him, foldedflat, and putbackthe lidthe coffin.

“restpeace, amen.“the coffin slowly descended, all the participants stoodand sang hymnsthe young dead.

ambassador chu’tah attendeduss chinnyun’s rescue helped clear a path through the asteroi all the hymns were over,stood alone and sang the hymnshis own nation for the deceasedshow his respect for ritz’ everyone knew that his body would flythe distant stars,one would desecrate the sanctitythe sacre the endthe burial, wreathsblessings hung from the crosswhich the fleet insignia was carved.

before stepping outthe holodeck arch, cpt.xuan turnedthe setting sun, the cloudsthe horizon shone beautifully,if they were guiding soulsheaven,where they should be.

next, after saying goodbyeall her relativesritz poman's funeral, cpt.xuan walked alone into holodec arch opened, and she found herselfan american parish surroundedtwo-story housesthe sam the signs, she walked into the jimmy sterns' knocked, and a placid - looking woman opened the door.

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